Waiting Room Randoms

I’m getting the oil changed on Jasmine this morning (yes I named my mustang) and I figured what better a time for a bloggity-blog. If I’m honest I’m trying to drown out some of the conversations going on in here. Waiting rooms are perfect for people watching but I guess I’m not in the mood this morning. I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About my family and how much I miss them. A few of us are estranged right now and it really sucks. They say in times like these to just say your sorry and do whatever it takes to put things back together. I am a true believer in we are never promised tomorrow. Well the “I’m sorrys” have been said and have accomplished nothing. Its so crazy how many blessing have been tossed my way this year so I try not to dwell on the one thing that is missing. But that’s a difficult thing to do when that one things is one of your nearest and dearest. We went to the fiance’s sister’s house for Thanksgiving and it was nice. Good food and lots of rest. But after a few unanswered text I really was sad. Now I know your thinking, a text? You can’t pick up the phone and call? Trust me if I thought there was any way the phone would get answered I would have called. With a text I know they will at least read it. Amongst all of these sad feelings I have a true sense of peace in this time in my life which is a rarity in my world. Its really weird how those kinds of feelings can coincide. I have everything I have ever wanted and sometimes I feel a little like Charlotte from Sex and the City. She was so scarred that something bad was going to happen to her because everything in her life was as close to perfect as possible. Mmmmm. Maybe I just discovered a point there. Not that I will ever think of having problems with my family is a blessing, but God always gives us challenges. The way we handle it often times determines the future. Something about this waiting room has me all philosophical LOL. Ew! I do believe the guy next to me just farted. A little comic release I guess. I better not smell that one damnit. Anyhoo….enough deep thoughts for now.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

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