Real Talk #MyBoobsHurt

Once I purchased my fancy schmancy camera I vowed that I would stop using crappy phone/Instagram shots for my blog, but for this post the picture is relevant. Plus I’m not about to stand in front of the mirror with my professional camera trying to capture a decent angle of my rack.

One thing before I get into the nitty-gritty of this post. If your one of the four males that reads my stuff I’ll be kind and give you a disclaimer here….

I’m going to talk about my PERIOD. Yes that thing that requires tampons! Gasp!

I can just hear the scampering clicks of men desperately trying to get away from this site right now. Why are men so afraid of period talk? I mean it happens to us every month. If your into girls and you ever want a relationship you guys are bound to have a run in with it at least once in your life. It seems like any mention of red tide comes out and all the dudes in the room get all 4th grade and take themselves to their happy place. Grow up ya pussies!

Whoops. Haha. Hey I warned you it was that time of the month. On to my point.


I took that pic the other day after a sweaty gym session and one of my friends commented that my boobs look like soccer balls. You can tell he’s been avidly watching the World Cup. I have always had big ladies so I usually don’t pay any attention to such comments but at second glace they do really look like soccer balls. You would think I had a recent trip to the plastic surgeon or soemthing. This is all due to my period. The last few months it has just been horrendous!!!!! Not that any period is a trip to Disneyland but honestly I’m concerned.

My cramps have been more painful.
My stomach is damn near distended when it bloats.
I’m so exhausted you would think I’m narcoleptic.
Flow is HEA-VY.
My boobs are super sore and HUUUUUUGE!!!

I know what your thinking ladies. That I should quit my whining and get some Midol. Honestly I’m no stranger to tough monthlys being that I became a woman at 12 and they have always been harsh. But is this Endometriosis or something? I know, I know. Go to the doctor.

Blah. I dont wanna.


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