The Makeup Train Has Come To Town



Two things happened when my awesome new makeup case arrived.

One, I realized that I am a cosmetic hoarder.

And two, I fell in love.

Organization is not a skill that I possess, so when it comes to my makeup I have to have nifty little gadgets to keep things under control.  Otherwise I’ll be three eyeliners away from chaos in my bathroom.

I bought this Shany train case on Amazon for $49.95. Honestly it was a little more pricey than I wanted, but super worth it cuz now I feel all professional and stuff. Not to mention that my old makeup case was on its last leg. It had shelves that were all droopy and disheveled from being schlepped around in my luggage one to many times. It was honestly rather sad throwing it out. We had some good times together.

Yes, I do realize that I am strange for having emotional attachments to inanimate objects.

Side note: Shipping on Amazon is free with a Prime membership which I totally recommend.  I think it’s like $70.00 a year but with as much as I order online it pays for itself.

OH! One more side note and I’ll stop side-noting you. For those of you that are organizationally challenged like I am, check out my new friend Tawsha’s blog. She kinda rawks.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Ok I’m Gonna Vent….



I don’t normally write an entire blog about something whiny but today I feel like it.  So if your not in the mood, than click something else cuz I’m gonna.

Brutal and bitchy today, I know.

Fibromyalgia is kicking my ass today and its really pissing me off. Usually I can shake it off and amp up on caffeine of all sorts and get through it, but it’s just not happening today.

My fiance calls me a Tough Tinkerbell because I fight and refuse to give up. This is usually me in all things. Working out, my job, my relationships. Its ingrained in my to be determined…or stubborn. Probably stubborn is more the word I should use. Welp i feel like a broken doll today.

My body has officially said fuck you. Sigh. Yawn.

Speaking of my fiance…I miss him. He’s only three hours away and we see each other every weekend but like Billy Crystal said in ‘When Harry Met Sally’….”When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” I often get the strange look when I tell people were getting married in November and he doesn’t live here yet. Welp, he makes a lot of money where he is and has responsibilities. It is what it is. We have been through so much together so I know we can get through this. but today I’m tired and feeling selfish and want to hug him.

I think I need a year long nap.

I do realize that there is SO MUCH more pain going on in the world than my little wah-wah  rant. But I’m not the bionic woman I try to pretend to be sometimes.

I’m just tired. Fibromyalgia with a splash of anxiety, sprinkled with insomnia is a mutha fucka.



~ Hugs and Tired Smiles~ R!LEY COUTURE


MK…I’ll Just Stare From Afar


Sigh. I am in love. I spotted this amazing Michael Kors watch at Ross the other day and all I old do was press my nose again the glass case and whine. I bet your noticing the price tag right now and wondering why I didn’t snatch this beauty out of the case, run to the register and skip out of the store. Two words…Wedding Budget.  Even if it is like $120 cheaper than it would be retail I just can’t justify it right now. Sigh. Oh well. Maybe next time 🙂

~Hugs and Smiles~ R!LEY COUTURE

A Love letter To My Future…

My Reins/ Rain/ Reign


My love……


You Are My Reins,

Your the sole that has the power to tighten my reins.

You tighten your grip when my mind runs away from logic.

Yet you loosen your hand when my spirit is inspired.


Thank you for never holding me back.


You Are My Rain,

You are the calm before the storm.

You are the sunshine after my tearful rain has stained my sky.

You are the hopeful mist that washes away my doubt.


Thank you for being not only my rock but my unshakeable mountain.


My are my Reign,

You are my king and I am your queen.

You enlighten the true way I am to gracefully become a queen in due time.

Together one we day will raise our princess.



Thank you for becoming my future.

My love……

You hold the key to all that I am now…all I am to become…all that we will be together.


Michael Kors for $2.99???


I had a seriously puzzled look on my face when I saw this Michael Kors chain link belt in the $2.99 clearance bin at Dillards. I for sure though it was put there by mistake and it must be $16.80 like the tag said.

koOne of the first rules I learned in Cheap Diva College is ask and ye shall receive….


Sure enough….$2.99!!! SUPER SCORE!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Easy. Breezy. Beautiful.

549306_10200810951100837_2061308091_n Haha! My fiance was wishing me a Merry P!NK-MAS all weekend.  I thought this was so cute because for me the day of the P!NK concert may as well have been Christmas morning. I usually stress myself into more grey hairs over what outfit to wear to important events, so you can image how much dye I was going to need after planning my look for the show. Well for once in my life I decided to say eff it and go with the flow with this one. I mean P!NK is a Covergirl now. Easy, Breezy, Beautiful was to be the style mantra for the night. Everything except the Fox t-shirt ( $5 at Plato’s Closet ) was stuff I already had in my closet. Those awesome teal suede shoes came home with me after a trip to a street market in LA last March. A really great score for $22 bucks! I have only worn them once so it was about time they made an appearance. Oh! Let me not forget the gems!


It is my belief that a great pair of shoes and some bad ass accessories can make an entire outfit rock. I found that vintage turquoise rhinestone bib necklace at a flea market in Memphis over three years ago for $4.00!!! It too needed to see the light of day because I’ve never found the right moment to wear it.  Such a unique piece needs to be shown off! 🙂 The concert was A-MAZ-ING by the way. I screamed. I cried. Some weave fell out. People wanted to throw me off the balcony after all of the screeching.  All in all it was a bucket list moment that was checked off with a big fat pink sharpie! Seriously a day I will never forget!!!!!

Before The Wonder that is P!NK….




The Aftermath……


~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Not Just for Superheros

I wanted to be a poet when I was little. Now I just write down the jargon in my head for fun.



With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

In all things in life this seems to be true.

The Pretty have a responsibility to be beautiful without being bitchy. For in the end that pretty girl’s spirit will someday sag from her sorrows of an unfulfilled life.

The Rich Man has a responsibility to give back with a generous heart, for character not money, is what builds real life rewards. One can die wrapped in a plush royal blanket with a gold coin in his pocket…but still with a chill on his heart.

The Famous have responsibility to hold dear the ones that loved them before the glitterati moments of flashing bulbs. It’s easy to lose oneself on a stage under the heat of the spotlight and waves of applause. But someday the way home will seem quieter, warmer, and lovelier.

The Sick have a responsibility to be strong and not become bitter. It’s possible that their ailments will leave behind a greater legacy leading the path to a shorter, yet grander life. Living 20 years of glory is better than 200 years of gloom.

The intelligent have a responsibility to not become self-righteous in their knowledge. Knowledge may be power but it doesn’t always mean you’re not stupid.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

In all things in life this is true.

~ Hugs and Smiles~ R!LEY COUTURE

JCP? Is That You?


Lately I have been seeing all these JCPenny commercials where they are pulling a New Kids on The Block and calling themselves JCP. they show their $5 tees in comparison to other stores products that are more expensive. That is what Cheap Diva is all about so even though I usually have no desire to shop at JCP, I figured I would give it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised when I walked through the doors expecting to see the normal grandma-ville but this is not at all what was before me. JCP has revamped their store into quite the little boutique. They even have a Sephora store now! I scored that adorable little black cropped jacket for $5!


Ok JCP. I’m impressed.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Denim Diva

35448_10200772105249715_1311912821_n I am becoming more and more of a Nashvillian by the minute. My fashion usually tends to mimic my mood so as you can tell by my latest purchase that I’m in a Nashville state of mind. I shot my first TV commercial at Plato’s closet yesterday and after I was done being a movie star (Kidding) I had to do a little shopping. The whole pseudo cowgirl thing has been driving my shopping so Ive been on the hunt for a button down jean shirt. The issue in finding a shirt like this is that I have a small torso and a bigger upper half so I tend to look boxy in them. But I scored this beauty in an extra small which it super hard to find. The grand total? $12 bucks! ~ H

My Sexy Buns

382329_10200741925615243_1027682363_nThe sock bun movement has been in full effect on Pinterest for the past year and I’m all about it. However, this was a pin-fail when I tried to simulate the whole cutting up a tube sock thing. So how did I get the cute little muffin on the top of my head you ask? I did it with this thingy.

47014_10200741943975702_2036515993_nI get up at 3:30 ion the morning so when something claims to be “Quick and Easy” it damn well better be. Well folks…IT IS! And the grand total for this bun maker wonder product…..$3.49 at Walgreens!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE




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