More Outlet Goodies!

You would think that with the number of posts I have done about my vacation finds that I would have spent a ton of money. Haha, you should know this Cheap Diva a little better than that 🙂 There is another outlet type store in Florida that I frequent that carries what I call “leftovers” from HSN. I found out about this place because my sister if a stylist for them. Bascially the overflow of things they don’t sell on air or on the website all get shipped to one of their outlet stores. Most things are makred down 40-75% off then they begin marking things down based on how long they have been in the store. Those filigree CZ earrings above were originally $15.95.

Pretty cheap for the quality and look but the sale price didn’t stop there. They had been in the store for about a month and were marked down to about $4.25!! I had to keep looking at those prices and that’s when I stumbled upon these turquoise earrings.

These were actually a really cheap find at $14.90 because they are sterling silver and real turquoise.

They had been in the store for about two months so the discounted price brought them down to $3.75! Score!!! I thought that I was going to be in trouble when I came upon a case that had these in it….

My mom almost tried to steal them away from me when she saw they size being that both of us are both a 6. Plus the bottom of the shoe was just too cute for words! They say “Too much is not Enough….LOVE.LIVE.SHOP.” If they would have said something about SHOP CHEAP I probably would have fainted!

They are Beverly Feldman shoes made from leather and the leopard print is faux fur. Much to my surprise they had been in the case for about a year so the price tag was pretty faded.

The retail price sits at about $149.00 for this brand of shoe so when the lady rang them up I was pretty amazed!! With the time discount I walked away with these pumps for $22.00! I can’t wait to wear these with a slinky black dress or a solid turtleneck in the fall!  The next time you go on vacation I really hope you take my advice and go to the area outlet stores. Your wallet will thank you for it! Happy shopping!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

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