Denim Stilts

408464_10200528354996111_775223121_nDon’t you just love it when you order something online and forget about it? Its such a little  treat to open up your mailbox only to find a package that judging by its shape can only be shoes! Its like getting a birthday present when it’s your un-birthday. Alice in Wonderland for those of you that didn’t get that reference…Wanna see whats inside?

22110_10200528393317069_420869747_nOh Laaa Laaa! Ok, I know I have a really strange fetish for my shoes that’s a little more apparent these days but I have an excuse. I’m doing a cleanse right now that doesn’t allow any cheese, booze or sugar so a girl has to get her kicks somewhere. Care for a front view?

148786_10200528371076513_64886688_nAaaah…sigh.  Damn I want a glass of wine right now. Grrrrrrrr. FOCUS! FOCUS! Front and side view anyone??

denimI must say that I have been a little down on lately because my last few purchases weren’t really up to par and took forever to ship. But I have a tentative renewed faith in them after these shoes. Can u believe they were only $14.oo? Marco Santi Pumps can run upward of $35-$50 online. NowI just need some warmer weather to visit so that I can rock these babies!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE





Tangerine Dreams

IMG_1767There is often and age old question that comes to  mind whenever  I pass by a fabulous pair of shoes and contemplate whether or not they need to come home with me. “Do I really NEED another pair of shoes?” Pfffffft! I almost always answer that question with…DUH! YES! How could I pass on these gorgeous tangerine pumps when they were only $10.00 a pop?! Oh what a sucker I am for a good ole pair of Mary Janes!


I would almost be losing money walking away, because once I fall in love with a shoe there is something that clicks in my brain that automatically looks for that color. Nine times out of ten I would walk away and then regret not buying them , and then end up spending more money on something else later. Its a science people, trust me.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE


Combat Cuties


How adorable are these combat boots that I found at Ross the other day?! I must admit that I really should not be shoe shopping right now. Holy crap did i really just right that? I guess i’m taking into consideration that I gave up a lot of closet space when I moved into the new place (poor me I know). But for what I payed for them I would have regretted it if I waked away.


Am I right or am I right? Even the zipper on these boots is adorable.


Sigh…. sweet shoe love.

~Hugs and Smiles~ R!ley Couture

Boot Love

I must admit that I spent a little more than I normally do on shoes for these boots.  I new I would have buyers remorse if I bought them right then and there because they were a brand I have never heard of and they were $50 bucks. But they are SO ADORABLE!

In situations like this I have a good philosophy for justifying a little overspending. I walk away, and if I’m still thinking about them in three days and they’re still there, then it was meant to be. Well I did just that and as fate would have it, these are my new favs.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE


Shoe Stalker

“Yes your honor I am guilty as charged. I stalked those adorable Fossil sandals for over a month. But I couldn’t help it! My inner CheapDiva wouldn’t let me walk away!” Haha! I know. I’m a dork 🙂 I really have been stalking these sandals for over a month though. They were originally priced at $15.99 at Ross and I was tempted at that price seeing as how they run about $49.00 retail. But when I saw the pink clearnace tag I got giddy and snatched them up!

All things come to those who stalk…err…aaah… I mean wait.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE


Ok. I take full responsibility for my shoe obsession. But trust me when I feel it is getting out of control I will stop. Mind you my idea of out of control may be quite different from that of the normal person. My fiance (who usually understands my heel fetish) walked into my closet as I was rearranging my shoes to fit another pair and said…”Geez boo. That’s a lot of shoes.” My response was Aaaaannndd??? I was in the mall tonight after work shopping for jewelry for my NYE dress when I meandered into Forever 21. This is always dangerous territory because I always end up fighting myself not to buy something. I saw these and almost had the will power to shut my eyes and keep going when……

OK THAT’S IT! The shoe gods have spoken! They were cheap enough at $24.oo, but atonly $16.00 there was no walking away. MINE! I guess those shoes I already bought for NYE will have to wait 🙂

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE


I must admit that I need another pair of nude shoes like I need a whole in the head, but then again that’s pretty much true with all of my shoe purchases. I just love these Steve Madden wedges and they are SO comfortable. A pretty and comfy wedge is a beautiful and rare thing to a girl like me. Even more beautiful was the price…..

Actually I  happen to think that $89.00 really isn’t bad for this kind of shoe because  Steve Maddens are made really well. But I do get giddy when I score them for a quick $20 bucks. SHOEGASM!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Stilettoe Nikes? HOLY SHNIKIES!!

There I was….minding my one business when BAM! These guys jumped out and bit me! LOL or at least that’s the excuse I’m telling everyone 🙂 I was online shopping this weekend for a great pair of fall boots because the one’s in my closet are on their last leg. I was really trying to find a good leather pair for under $40 bucks but really nice leather just doesn’t come cheap. Even if you are a seasoned pro at getting the steals. I put these guys on in the store and I immediately knew they were going to be expensive. Not only were they comfy but the quality of the craftsmanship was top notch. And it’s no wonder….

The designer is Cole Haan. After seeing that I was really afraid to look at the price tag. But then I noticed something else.

Nike Air? Wait what? They combined Cole Hann quality and style with the comfort of Nike Air! Genius! No wonder they were so comfortable! By this point I was reeled in enough to take a peek at the price tag.

A measly $99.99 for a $420.00 pair of leather boots! If I’m honest I had to do a lap around the store before deciding to buy them. I’m used to spending like $30, maybe $40 on a cute pair of shoes. But this was too good of a deal to pass up. So I took a deep breath and swiped the debit card. So what do you think? Were they worth it?

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

Something Blue…and Cheap Too!

I have been quite the busy bride-to-be lately! Geez it’s true what they say about wedding planning turning your hair grey. I actually found one the other day! Waaaaaahaaaaa! Anywhoo…… I’ll stop whining.  So I was reading through’s message boards the other day and I noticed that one bride posted a question asking where she could find a cheap pair of Tiffany Blue  heels for her wedding.  Being the shoe gal that I am I was immediately intrigued. However there weren’t  a whole lot of responses which suprised me being TheKnot is after all the biggest wedding resource site. Also, a lot of brides (including me) want to use their shoes as their “Something Blue” so it seemed a same to pass up such a challenge. The only problem with the blue wedding shoe search is that it only seemed to turn up ones that were mega expensive or ugly versions of the Carrie Bradshaw shoe. But low and behold I  finally found these pretty  ladies! They are RSVP Roma’s  and are on sale for a measly $20.52! The market sales price on these guys is $89.00!!Not too shabby!  As a girl with my own wedding in the works I know what a sweet feeling it is not putting a huge dent in your bridal budget!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE


P.S. These aren’t the shoes I’m wearing for my wedding. I must confess I already have them but I’ll save that post for later!

Cheaper Twin

I fell in love with these Steve Madden T-Strap sandals the other day but I really have bought a lot of beige shoes this summer. So I though if I can find them cheaper than the normal $69.95 then I would treat myself. The Steve Madden site had them on sale for $27.00 but with shipping I was like meh! Seeing as how I really don’t NEED another pair of beige shoes maybe I can do a little better. And look what I found….

They are Paprika brand that look identical at a much cheaper $15.99!

SCORE! Yay! Cheap Diva happy mediums make me happy!

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ R!LEY COUTURE

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